Category Development


Reasons Why I Choose TypeScript

One of the first and most important parts of my decision is that I have code that I had collected over the years that I would love to reuse without having to migrate or make compatible with a new language.

Queue Data Structure in JavaScript

It is easy to limit the functionality of an array to make it work as a particular queue or stack data structure. I personally believe that instead of using the array object directly, it is better to constrain it to the methods required by the job instead of leaving every method public that can be misused by other programmers.

Stack Data Structure in JavaScript

It's not difficult to simulate or implement the functionality of a stack by using arrays in JavaScript. By creating a Stack class, we can only use the methods required by the stack while hiding the methods that are not necessary.

Gulp Introduction for Web Designers

Gulp is a task runner that helps to organize and run tasks automatically. Some of the tasks that can be performed by Gulp are minification, image compression, adding vendor prefixes, compile templates, convert markdown to HTML, compile CSS Preprocessors like LESS or SASS, etc.