Category Business

Avoiding Marketing Myopia in Web Design Agencies

Web design agencies need to rethink their customers and evolve so they can survive. As mentioned previously, it needs to avoid the myopia of thinking in terms of web design but in terms of satisfying the customers. Studying what the potential customers want and how to satisfy their needs.

Understanding SWOT Analysis

The SWOT framework helps to facilitate the discussion with stakeholders on what the business should put attention to, and what opportunities could be taken into consideration that will drive business growth.

The MoSCoW Prioritization Technique

Time to market is essential and projects usually have budget constraints which means that they cannot be developed for a long period of time without producing value to the customers or the company. Therefore, it is necessary to pick what must be created first.

What is a Product Roadmap?

The roadmap informs all stakeholders of the status of the product and what they should expect in the next months in terms of releases. Of course, this is a living document, and feedback from the users or reacting to the market might change the product roadmap.

The Failed Business Processes for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Boeing should have tested the parts and features of the plane before promising the public as integral features to expect in the 787 Dreamliner line. For example, if they have tested the lithium-ion batteries with parameters similar to the ones facing airplanes during a fly before delivering the planes, they could have found most of the issues and avoided bad publicity in 2013

What is the Net Promoter Score?

The Net Promoter Score is calculated by getting the percentage of customers that responded with nine and then (Promoters) minus the percentage of the customers that responded from zero to six (Detractors).