Tag user centered design

Building Empathy for the Users

Empathy can be seen as being able to share and understand feelings and experiences of other people. This is the keystone for a UX researcher or designer to detail and create an application that solves users' needs and pain points. As the title of this article says, you must empathize with your users.

The UX Design Process I Use with My Projects

There are a lot of versions of the user centered design approach or the user experience design process. In general, they are all similar because they put the user in the heart of design decisions. Thus, and we must satisfy user needs so he/she can complete the task with ease and joy.

The Biggest Lie: We Care About Our Users

For some companies, there are a lot of buzzwords and terms that they like to use to demonstrate that they “care” about users. They champion those words in product management, product development, and product design.

Usability and Accessibility

Even today, some people confuse the terms usability and accessibility. Others might think that having a usable website is accessible by default. But, there are differences in the terms usability and accessibility that need to be understood.

The MoSCoW Prioritization Technique

Time to market is essential and projects usually have budget constraints which means that they cannot be developed for a long period of time without producing value to the customers or the company. Therefore, it is necessary to pick what must be created first.

The Misuse of “User Experience”

It is difficult to tell a client that you will design a user experience. It is better to explain exactly what you would do in your design that will increase the usability, conversion, provides what your users want, and performance of the page.