Category Development


Pros and Cons Using WordPress

In most cases, I would recommend WordPress to my clients because it gives them control over their content. However, the time has passed and there are alternatives that could be considered when creating a new website.

Product Managers Should Not Be in Daily Scrums

The Daily Scrum was meant for Developers to give each other an idea of the work they had done the day before and their plans for the day in progress. It was never meant for Product Managers or Product Owners to be part of them unless they are taking part of the work in the actual product by working on Sprint Backlog Items.

Methods for Gathering Requirements in System Development

The final users are the most important part of the information system because if the system does not solve their problems or does not do what they expect, they won’t use it. There is where we see the resistance to change from users when they don’t feel part of the information system planning, and when they feel that all decisions were made without considering their points of view.

Creating a Product Vision

The product vision needs to be created by the entire team because even though the product owner will be the person reminding the team about the vision and goals of the project, everybody needs to contribute and own the product vision.

How to Pass the Professional Scrum Product Owner I Exam

Even though, the test is your knowledge is about being a Product Owner using the Scrum guide, in reality, the Scrum guide is not enough for you to pass it. Therefore, you are required to find other sources that might help you complement your knowledge for being a good Product Owner using the Scrum framework.

The MoSCoW Prioritization Technique

Time to market is essential and projects usually have budget constraints which means that they cannot be developed for a long period of time without producing value to the customers or the company. Therefore, it is necessary to pick what must be created first.

What is a Product Roadmap?

The roadmap informs all stakeholders of the status of the product and what they should expect in the next months in terms of releases. Of course, this is a living document, and feedback from the users or reacting to the market might change the product roadmap.