Product Managers Should Not Be in Daily Scrums

The Daily Scrum was meant for Developers to give each other an idea of the work they had done the day before and their plans for the day in progress. It was never meant for Product Managers or Product Owners to be part of them unless they are taking part of the work in the actual product by working on Sprint Backlog Items.

Methods for Gathering Requirements in System Development

The final users are the most important part of the information system because if the system does not solve their problems or does not do what they expect, they won’t use it. There is where we see the resistance to change from users when they don’t feel part of the information system planning, and when they feel that all decisions were made without considering their points of view.

Creating a Product Vision

The product vision needs to be created by the entire team because even though the product owner will be the person reminding the team about the vision and goals of the project, everybody needs to contribute and own the product vision.

Avoiding Marketing Myopia in Web Design Agencies

Web design agencies need to rethink their customers and evolve so they can survive. As mentioned previously, it needs to avoid the myopia of thinking in terms of web design but in terms of satisfying the customers. Studying what the potential customers want and how to satisfy their needs.

Understanding SWOT Analysis

The SWOT framework helps to facilitate the discussion with stakeholders on what the business should put attention to, and what opportunities could be taken into consideration that will drive business growth.